Meeple Nation Board Game Podcast

We’ve hit another 5th episode so it is time for Industry News! Don’t forget to enter our contest on Meeple Nation Off Air on Facebook.


0:00 - 0:47 Introduction

0:48 - 3:07 Mombasa, World 192 of 504 and Ryan hates Stocks

3:08 - 4:59 Contest for Gold West from Tasty Minstrel Games - Ends May 1, 2016

5:00 - 5:53 The Grizzled: At Your Orders

5:54 - 7:51 Star Trek Frontiers

7:52 - 10:12 Descent: Journeys in the Dark 2nd Edition - Road to Legends Companion App

10:13 - 13:30 Charterstone

13:31 - 16:50 Santorini Kickstarter ends April 27, 2016

16:51 - 18:15 Legendary Encounters: Alien Expansion

18:16 - 19:23 Codenames Pictures

19:24 - 20:39 Legend of the Five Rings LCG coming in 2017 from Fantasy Flight Games

20:40 - 22:24 Mistborn: House War

22:25 - 23:16 Galaxy Quest

23:17 - 24:17 Munchking CCG

24:18 - 24:58 Political Kickstarters are bad

24:59 - 26:06 C.O.G. (The Cabinet of Gadgetry)

26:07 - 28:07 Star Trek: Ascendancy

28:08 - 29:21 Star Trek Panic

29:22 - 31:29 Ave Roma on Kickstarter until May 4, 2016

31:30 - 32:31 Daft Concepts Kickstarter for Yakitori ends April 22, 2016

32:32 - 34:58 Xibalba, currently on Kickstarter through May 8, 2016

34:59 - 35:42 Ghostbusters: The Boardgame II on Kickstarter through May 9, 2016

35:43 - 36:48 Dark Moon: Shadow Corporation

36:48 - 37:20 En Route on Kickstarter through May 12, 2016

37:30 - 40:09 Shadows over Innistrad

40:10 - 45:17 Counter Magazine, January 2016

45:18 - 45:59 Contest reminder and Outro

Direct download: MN_0105_Industry_News_April_2016_and_Contest.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST