Wed, 27 April 2016
MN 0106 Tasty Minstrel Games at SaltCON - Interviews with Seth Jaffee, Michael Mindes, and Andy Van Zandt
We interview the awesome dudes, Seth Jaffee, Michael Mindes, and Andy Van Zandt, from Tasty Minstrel Games ( at SaltCON 2016. We've got the insights from a game designer, an owner and a developer. Seth caught us up on his game designs, his work on the Eminent
Domain series, and his future releases. Michael talks about the
latest releases of TMG and what we can expect in the near future.
Andy talks about what it means to be a game developer, his latest
projects, and how he likes living in Utah. Don't miss a
second of this insider episode.
Direct download: MN_0106_Tasty_Minstrel_Games_at_SaltCON_-_Interviews_with_Seth_Jaffee_Michael_Mindes_and_Andy_Van_Zandt.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MDT |