Tue, 21 June 2016
![]() Brent and Ryan finally get around to editing more interviews from SaltCON 2016. Here are five great interviews recorded back in March. Enjoy! 0:00-1:11 - Introduction 1:12-14:38 Kris McClanahan from Deeply Dapper talks about his geeky products for sale at his Etsy store or at www.deeplydapper.com 14:38-24:57 Chris Urinko of Daft Concepts talks about his current projects on sale at Etsy and www.daftconcepts.com 24:58-32:42 Dale Tolley, designer of Cheesonomics, from Eagle-Gryphon, talks to us about game design and his future plans 32:43-38:19 Matt Saunders, designer of Mow Money, published by Mayday Games, talks about his game. Follow him on Twitter @Matt_Saunders 38:20-47:28 Shaea and Alex Bernard of the Saint George Board Game Convention talk about their inaugural year and what they plan for their 2016 convention. Find out more at www.stgcon.org
Direct download: MN_0116_Lost_SaltCON_Interviews_-_Dapper_Kris_Daft_Chris_Two_Designers_and_Two_Con_Organizers.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 3:34pm MST |