Meeple Nation Board Game Podcast

The hosts of Meeple Nation deliver your March 2019 News with special guest Ashlee Howard. We discuss a bunch of forthcoming games including:

Star Wars: Outer Rim from Fantasy Flight

Terraforming Mars: Turmoil from Stronghold

Ravnica Inquisition from Wizkids

Time Breaker from Looney Labs

Talisman: Kingdom Hearts from USAopoly

Hako Onna from Ejin and Wizkids

and Kickstarters:

Creature Feature by our friend Kristopher McClanahan of Deeply Dapper Games

Throw Throw Burrito from Exploading Kittens

High Rise from Formal Ferret Games


The Silver River from Robert Burke Games

Direct download: MN0260_March_2019_News.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST