Meeple Nation Board Game Podcast

This week we talk about Viceroy, which is designed by Yuri Zhuravlev and produced by Mayday Games and Hobby World. Viceroy is a board game of bidding and resource management set in the world ofBerserk, a Russian collectible card game.

This is a beautiful and colorful collection of cards and bits with excellent artwork. The theme is stretched a bit as the characters provide fairly generic powers depending on where they are placed in your pyramid, including more resources, cards, or tokens for scoring, which is bit of a point salad.
We all enjoyed the game, though Ryan is a bit disgruntled at the way Brent and Nathan "taught" him the game, thoroughly whooping him, locking him out of resources, and gloating in their towering pyramid at his expense.
It was a tough first play.
The tagline on the box says "Build Your Pyramid of Power!" and like a elaborate stack of cheerleaders, you must stack the character cards bought at auction in the most beneficial way possible.
Direct download: MN_0071_Viceroy.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:51am MST