Meeple Nation Board Game Podcast

We talk with Avonelle Wing from Double Exposure about the services they provide for Game Companies, Stores, Conventions, volunteers, and gamers. We encountered the Envoy heralds at SaltCon where they taught players new games at the con, including games in the Play-to-win program.

The Envoy website is:
The Double Exposure website is at: www.dexposure/com/home.html
Aspiring game designers and folks planning kickstarters should look into Metatopia. (google it. check out Ryan Macklin's post. it's my fave.) 
twitter is: @dexenvoy, @de_gaming, and @avonelle
Direct download: Avonelle_with_Double_Exposure.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MDT