Meeple Nation Board Game Podcast

One thing we know for sure: Saucermen are jerks. Except that Brent, for some reason, likes the Saucermen. Something is wrong with Brent. Might be that alien tech sticking out the back of his neck. Rocket Patrol unite. We have to rescue Brent!

Space Cadet: Away Mission is a 1-6 player cooperative adventure game with Retro spacemen fighting aliens, slugs, and space bugs on a modular board. The aliens, including Saucermen, Leaders and a Brain-in-a-jar, act in specific, rule-driven patterns. The game is scenario based with random setups and random encounters, which allows for great replay value.
Direct download: MN_0104_Space_Cadets_Away_Mission.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 11:29pm MST