Thu, 23 June 2016
Two player games are the perfect pastime to spend with your significant other, your soulmate or a random guy at the park. We love our two player games so much, we devoted several new podcasts to the topic, gushing about some of our new favorite games. We discuss 7 Wonders: Duel, Patchwork, Star Wars Risk, ...and then we held hands, and Horrible Hexes in this episode. Hold hands with someone close by awkwardly and with no regrets as you listen. |
Tue, 21 June 2016
![]() Brent and Ryan finally get around to editing more interviews from SaltCON 2016. Here are five great interviews recorded back in March. Enjoy! 0:00-1:11 - Introduction 1:12-14:38 Kris McClanahan from Deeply Dapper talks about his geeky products for sale at his Etsy store or at 14:38-24:57 Chris Urinko of Daft Concepts talks about his current projects on sale at Etsy and 24:58-32:42 Dale Tolley, designer of Cheesonomics, from Eagle-Gryphon, talks to us about game design and his future plans 32:43-38:19 Matt Saunders, designer of Mow Money, published by Mayday Games, talks about his game. Follow him on Twitter @Matt_Saunders 38:20-47:28 Shaea and Alex Bernard of the Saint George Board Game Convention talk about their inaugural year and what they plan for their 2016 convention. Find out more at
Direct download: MN_0116_Lost_SaltCON_Interviews_-_Dapper_Kris_Daft_Chris_Two_Designers_and_Two_Con_Organizers.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 3:34pm MST |
Thu, 16 June 2016
Bang! Loses its lawsuit against a copycat game, We talk many Kickstarters, Cthulhu Realms Eats My Batteries is not an expansion, Brent Rants about CMoN, Kickstarter Exclusives, and the Boardgame Bubble |
Sun, 12 June 2016
At SaltCON 2016 we sat down with Greg Spence and talked about inserts, how he started the company, and many of his offerings, including his impressive convention schedule. You can find them at their website or at Origins, GenCon, BGG.con, or many of the other conventions they have scheduled. |
Wed, 8 June 2016
Kennerspiel des Jahres T.I.M.E Stories 0-7:03 Pandemic Legacy: Season One 7:03-9:56 Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King 9:57-11:45 We announce our winner of the Kennerspiel des Jahres 11:46-15:02 Kinderspiel des Jahres Leo 15:03-21:41 Mmm! 21:42-25:18 My First Stone Age 25:19-27:50 Brent's opinion of which should win 27:51-29:29 Spiel des Jahres Karuba 29:30-36:27 Imhotep 36:28-42:52 Codenames 42:53-47:56 Ryan tells us which game will win 47:57-48:59 |
Thu, 2 June 2016
The fantastic Dan Wells, author and avid gamer, joins the Nation! Dan Wells is a fantasy, YA, post-apocalyptic author known for the Partials series and his new book, Bluescreen a futuristic science-fiction cyber-thriller. He also writes the John Cleaver series. The first one, I am not a Serial Killer, has been made into a movie starring Christopher Lloyd, Laura Fraser, and Max Records. He is a co-host of the Writing Excuses podcast. Dan is also a long-time boardgamer. We discuss his favorite board games, his love of storytelling in games, and what he thinks makes a game great. We reminisce about ancient role playing games, Decipher CCGs, and the new Pathfinder Adventures app. We also talk a little Kickstarter.
Direct download: MN_0112_Dan_Wells_-_Author_and_Board_Game_Enthusiast.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 12:23am MST |