Meeple Nation Board Game Podcast
Time to celebrate! Barbara is back from GenCon 2016 just in time for our news episode, brand new games in hand. We discuss our plays of Unusual Suspects, Codenames: Pictures, and Ta-Da!. We also talk about all the spanky new games released or announced at GenCon. Our Highlights include Mansions of Madness 2ed., Arkham Horror: The Card Game, Star Wars: Destiny, and 
Cry Havoc. We also discuss Thunderstone having a 3rd edition and the potential frustration of loyal Thunderstone players at having their copies become outdated. Nathan has a long list, and Ryan and Brent engage in a bizarre definition dance.
Direct download: MN_0125_Barbiegra_and_GenCon_News.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 12:44am MST