Meeple Nation Board Game Podcast

Matt and Barb are recently back from GenCon 50 and have details of the games they purchased and played. They are joined by Ryan, Brent and Nathan and they all discuss additional news out of GenCon and the larger board game world.

We thank Tasty Minstrel games for supporting our podcast. Please support them by buying their great games and listening to the TMG Podcast.

We now have four Meeple Nation shirts on Amazon. Search Meeple Nation there and see our new minimalistic design.

Brent has created 20 board game related shirts with more coming soon. Search Meeple Sing Shirts on

Ryan's book is now published and available on Amazon Kindle and in print. It is called Devil in the Microscope.

Direct download: MN_0180_September_2017_News_and_GenCon_Report.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST