Meeple Nation Board Game Podcast

We love deckbuilding games. We each discuss our top three games, explain what deckbuilders are and talk about our recent experience playing Hero Realms The Ruins of Thandar Campaign and Tyrants of the Underdark.

Direct download: MN_0196_Deckbuilders_Heroes_and_Tyrants.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:49pm MST

This week Nathan and Ryan and joined by Sam Aho and Matt and Barb Allen to discuss Kickstarters and other news in the board game industry.

Direct download: MN_0195_December_News_2017.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST

This holiday seasons people make lists and people play games. Some even make lists of games they would play. Do you prefer Nathan's Twelve (mostly short games) that he wants to play 1-12 times in the next few weeks? What do you think about Brent's list of games that have the number of the day in them? Even better, Ryan has ideas for mini goals to do while playing games.

Whatever you celebrate this month, we hope you are surrounded by friends and family and board games.

Direct download: MN_0194_The_12_Days_of_Gaming.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST

Brent returns, barely, from BGG.Con and we discuss many of the events he enjoyed and games he played including Nusfjord, Majesty: For the Realm, Reworld, Otys, Roll Player, the Puzzle Hunt, and more.

Brent also conducts and interview with a Ravensburger North America representative about their upcoming games!