Tue, 30 January 2018
Welcome to episode 201 of the Meeple Nation podcast. This week our opener is our origin story. Then we get into the meat of the podcast where we discuss advice for new people entering our hobby, and a reminder that we need to be aware of others as we game. Be nice, Brent! |
Wed, 24 January 2018
We have reached 200 episodes and gather to talk news. We discuss Kickstarters from Brian's Got Game, CMoN Unlimited, TMG, and more. Also news from Plan B, and more. |
Wed, 17 January 2018
We take time this episode to discuss four games we have been playing. In addition to Nathan's update on Imperial Assault, we discuss Azul, from Michael Kiesling and Plan B Games, Exodus Fleet from TMG, and Tichu, published in English by Rio Grande Games.
Direct download: MN_0199_Azul_Exodus_Fleet_Tichu_Imperial_Assault.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 12:26am MST |
Wed, 10 January 2018
Charterstone has begun, and while we say little about it, Ryan riffs on people trying to make permanence temporary in Legacy games. We also discuss some games we have played recently, including Crosstalk, Nmbr9, Timebomb: Evolution, and Terraforming Mars: Venus Next. |
Wed, 3 January 2018
2017 is in the books! We discuss our highlights and report on how we failed (or did we?) at our gaming goals. Bring on the new year, and Nathan's ambitious, 15x10 challenge. |