Meeple Nation Board Game Podcast

This week we discuss Bunny Kingdom, a game designed by Richard Garfield.

In Bunny Kingdom, you draft cards, many of which represent a space on the board where you place one of your bunnies. As you connect territories, you create fiefdoms. The score for a fiefdom is the number of castle spires times the number of unique resources that fiefdom produces. Other cards can add resources and castles, connect territories, and provide end game scoring.

Build your fiefdoms to their greatest scoring potential and be named Big Ears by the Bunny King.

Direct download: MN_0308_Bunny_Kingdom.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST

This week we discuss some of our favorite card drafting games. Each game uses the card drafting mechanic in a different way. Each game we discuss we think is awesome.

Fairy Tale
El Grande
Trekking the National Parks

Join us at the game table.

Direct download: MN_0307_Drafted_drafting_games.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST

This week we discuss the card drafting mechanic. It was a little surprising to find non-card games in this episode, but they fit the mold. We include games with trade rows like Clank! or markets like Aeon's End and Thunderstone Quest, and also games with tiles like Azul and Kingdomino.

Have a listen and share us your thought on our Facebook page Meeple Nation Off Air.

Direct download: MN_0306_Card_Drafting.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST

This week we announce our contest winners from episode 300. We sprinkle in some news and all this before the computer runs out of power.


Direct download: MN_0305_Feb_2020_news.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST