Meeple Nation Board Game Podcast

This week we are talking about pattern building games. We get some Facebook feedback and then we talk about games like; Reef, Tiny Towns, Attika, NUMBR9, Kingdomino, and some how we include Boggle. 

Join us at the game table.

Direct download: MN_0321_Pattern_building_games_edit.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST

This week we talk about current Kickstarters, new games that are coming out, and some recently released games.

Come join us around the news game table.

Direct download: MN_0320_May_news_file.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST

In this episode we are talking about end game bonuses. Where you may think you are winning, but it is not proven until all the cards are counted.

We discuss It's a Wonderful World, Hawaii, Raiders or the North Sea, Majesty: for the Realm, and even Ticket to Ride. 

Join us at the game table.

Direct download: MN_0319_end_game_bonuses.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST

Join us this week we discuss action games.

Action queue games, which players program their turn and hope they planned for the best (Robo Rally, Tiny Epic Mechs).

Action drafting games, where all players have a limited pool of actions to pick from (Puerto Rico).

Action retrieval games, where players can only play the action they control once until they spend an action to retrieve those actions (Centenary: Spice Road).

Direct download: MN_0318_Action_Games.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 9:19pm MST