Meeple Nation Board Game Podcast

Meeple Nation Episode 442

This week we are talking about Halloween style games. There could be spooky games, maybe even some scary games, but there will for sure be some fun games

Come, join us at the game table.

Direct download: MN_442_Halloween_Games_2022.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MDT

Meeple Nation Episode 441

This week we are talking about Zombicide: 2nd edition, 1-6 players team up to find supplies and defeat zombies before they get you. An amazing game designed by Raphael Guiton, Jean-Baptiste, Lullien, and Nicolas Raoult

Come join us at the game table.

Direct download: 441_-_Zombicide.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MDT

Meeple Nation Episode 440

This week we are talking about September news.

Gaming and SaltCon End of Summer highlights, new game announcements, new games that can be found in the wild, and a fun Kickstarter?

Come, join us at the game table.

Direct download: MN_440_September_2022_News.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MDT

Meeple Nation Episode 439

This week we are talking about Return to Dark Tower, this 1-4 player game is designed by: Tim Burrell-Saward, Isaac Childres, Noah Cohen, Rob Daviau, Justin D. Jacobson, and Brian Neff.

Come join us at the game table.

Direct download: MN_439_Return_to_Dark_Tower.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MDT