Meeple Nation Board Game Podcast

This week we interview the members of HUGG, Herriman Utah Gamer Girls, a board game club of women. I use the word interview loosely, as HUGG takes over the Nation, explaining their love of heavy board game, strict competition, and the importance of integrity of the game. The worst insult within their group is that someone "isn't a real gamer." We found out quickly that they are all real gamers. Find out how the group was formed, their favorite games, and a little trash talk about who is the most competitive.

Direct download: MN_0102_HUGG.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST

Join Meeple Nation as we host a live podcast as a panel at SaltCON, a board game convention in SLC, Utah. We talk to several guests about how they approach attending conventions, including the big one--the long CON, whether that is GenCon or BGGCon or another convention. We grilled two professionals, Ryan Bruns from Mayday Games and Ben Hillyard from Daedalus Productions about attending conventions as a dealer. We also interview Claudine Finlay and Julie Balazs from HUGG about why they love gaming at CONs. Also, we interview Brent Mair. He's kind of a big deal.

Direct download: MN_0101_The_Long_Con.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST

Meeple Nation celebrates episode 100! We talk with Barb and Matt about reaching this milestone, talk SaltCON, our local board game convention, and discuss board game news of the day, including new or newly announced games, Kickstarters, and some related events. Games discussed include Goonies, a possible new fantasy version of Star Realms, Pack O Games 2, and expansions to Mysterium, Dominion, Imperial Assault and Dead of Winter. Join the Nation as we look forward to the next 100 episodes. 

 Pack O Games 2 Kickstarter ends April 2, 2016

The Manhattan Project Energy Empire ends April 7, 2016

Darklight Memento Mori ends March 28, 2016

The Lazy Gamer ends March 31, 2016


Direct download: MN_0100_Episode_100_Celebration_and_Industry_News.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST

Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game, is a cooperative game for 1-4 players based on the Warhammer property from Games Workshop. This Fantasy Flight game is played mostly with cards, with a few supporting items such as custom dice, and health and exploration tokens.

Each player takes the role of one of the four heroes in the box and uses unique Fight, Explore, Aid, and Rest cards to survive the dungeon and kill the evil nemesis.

Our games took 30-120 minutes to complete. Ages 14 and up.

Direct download: MN_0099_Warhammer_Quest_The_Adventure_Card_Game.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 8:51am MST

In October of 2015 we noticed a number of threads complaining about games that get used up or cannot be replayed for other reasons. We sit down and talk about these games

Direct download: MN_0098_Consumable_Games.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST