Meeple Nation Board Game Podcast

This bonus episode was recorded by Brent while he attended BGG.Spring in Dallas on May 29, 2016. He sits down with three of the Spiel des Jahres judges and discusses game eligibility, judging criteria, the selection process, and the differences between the three awards.

We then review the nine nominated SdJ games for 2016.

Direct download: MN_0111_Spiel_des_Jahres_Judges_at_BGGSpring_2016.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 5:25am MST

Matt and Barbara join us for another News episode. We talk of Hero Realms, Pathfinder App, Cthulhu Realms App, Descent: Road to Legend App, Campaign Manager, Game Bags, SpielSoap, two versions of Caravan.

We also report the newly announced Spiel des Jahres nominees including Codenames, Imhotep, and Karuba.

Direct download: MN0110_News_and_SdJ_Announcements.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST

You're in the trenches in the first World War, trying to stay alive long enough to return home with your grizzled old friends. The threat are bullets, combat, toxic gas, night, winter, and rain. The only way to survive is a little planning, teamwork, and a whole lot of luck. The Grizzled is a cooperative game for two to five players from Fabien Riffaud and Juan Rodriguez.

We've had mixed experience with the difficulty of this game, but most of the buzz is that it is hard to win, especially with five players. The great thing is that this little game is fun, even you lose.
Direct download: MN_0109_The_Grizzled.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST

In March, at SaltCON 2016, we sat down and talked with Seth Hiatt of Mayday Games. We talk about a number of their products including Twist of Fate, a microgame that is finishing up on Kickstarter at the time this podcast is released.

Seth talks about manufacturing, shipping, and the benefit of being Euro Friendly.

Direct download: The_Business_Side_of_Boardgames_with_Seth_Hyatt_of_Mayday_Games.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST

This week's podcast come to you from Skye, the largest and most northerly major island in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland, with soft sand beaches, gently sloping hills and impressive mountain. We're not there, unfortunately. Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King is an economic, territory building game from Mayfair Games. For 2-5 players and for 60 minutes, Isle of Skye will task you to create the best kingdom in your effort to lead y our clan well enough to become King.

This is a tile laying game, but the real game involves a unique scoring system and mastering a shifting economy. This game seems like it will be a hit for your intrepid hosts, but you're going to have to listen to the podcast to find out for sure.  
Direct download: MN_0107_Isle_of_Skye.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST