Wed, 31 August 2016
Your hosts talk about the use of rating systems to evaluate board games including the flawed rating system on the popular Board Game Geek website. We discuss 1-10, thumbs up, stars, among others. Nathan prefers the 3-7 rating system within a 1-10 shell. Brent and Ryan are still trying to figure it out. Give us a listen, and maybe you can help us find a review system for our humble podcast. |
Wed, 24 August 2016
We've all had that experience. Yes, that one, where a perfectly fine game was ruined by other players. Perhaps last time it was their attitude, or Kingmaking, or someone who refuses to put down their phone. What to do, what to do. We talk about these isssues as we remind ourselves not to be "that guy."
Direct download: MN_0126_Gaming_Ettiquite_or_Just_be_Nice.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MDT |
Wed, 17 August 2016
Barbigra Time to celebrate! Barbara is back from GenCon 2016 just in time for our news episode, brand new games in hand. We discuss our plays of Unusual Suspects, Codenames: Pictures, and Ta-Da!. We also talk about all the spanky new games released or announced at GenCon. Our Highlights include Mansions of Madness 2ed., Arkham Horror: The Card Game, Star Wars: Destiny, and Cry Havoc. We also discuss Thunderstone having a 3rd edition and the potential frustration of loyal Thunderstone players at having their copies become outdated. Nathan has a long list, and Ryan and Brent engage in a bizarre definition dance.
Wed, 10 August 2016
The old Jarl has died. Fearsome trolls, draugrs and a smattering of monsters are attacking from all sides. The Vikings need a champion to repel the surmounting threats and lead the people to glorious victory. Are you that champion? Champions of Midgard is a Viking era worker placement game with dice combat. Your workers collect viking dice, gold, wood, and food, prepare boats for launch, and prepare the way to fight the monsters. You roll your Viking dice to fight the monsters, and the Viking leader with the most glory after 8 rounds is declared the new Jarl. Good times. Ryan is down with the theme, but can the mechanics hold up to Brent's scrutiny. Find out in this week's podcast.
Wed, 3 August 2016
Ragnarök has arrived. We're all going to die, but we're going to die in a blaze of glory and celebrate our victories in Valhalla. Oh, and my clan is going to die better than your clan. Blood Rage is a strategic area control game with card drafting designed by Eric Lang. Blood Rage comes with some truly fantastic minis (viking and monsters) and slick, easy to teach rules. Friend of the podcast, Sam Aho, joins Ryan and Nathan to discuss the carnage, monsters, and strategy, including the Kickstarter exclusives and the rad insert by The Broken Token. |