Meeple Nation Board Game Podcast
In November, Meeple Nation helped put on a 24 hour board game event, which collected donations for Extra Life and the Children's Miracle Network. We review and recap the event, which turned out great. Some of the awesome games that we got to the table were Infected, The Quest for El Dorado, Terraforming Mars, Iron Dragon, Crossfire, and Dead of Winter: Warring Colonies. We'd like to thank Tab Bank for hosting, and Tasty Minstrel Games, Mayday Games, Tim Fowers Games, and Red Raven Games for sponsoring.
Direct download: MN_0192_Extra_Life_Recap.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST

Our Gift Guide:
Family Games
Ticket to Ride
The Quest for El Dorado
Fast Forward: FLEE
Century: Spice Road
Can't Stop Express
Clank! In! Space!
Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle

Children Games
Ice Cool
Rhino Hero
Flick 'Em Up
Bang: The Dice Games
Happy Salmon

Group Games
Deception: Murder in Hong Kong
Magic Maze

Stocking Stuffers (Small Games)
Pack O Games
Mint Works
Pirate 21
Don't Mess with Cthulhu
Magic Packs

Direct download: MN_0191_Holiday_Gift_Guide_2017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:48pm MST

Ryan, Nathan, and Brent sit down and discuss Kickstarters, new games, what we are playing, and board game art and presentation. Join us on Facebook at Meeple Nation Off Air.

Direct download: MN_0190_November_2017_News.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:23am MST

This week, Ryan, Nathan and Dennis sit down and talk about the monstrosity that is Massive Darkness. How does it stand up? Is it better as a stand-alone game or in story mode? Listen to their review.

Direct download: MN_0189_Massive_Darkness.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST

After a few weeks of discussion we sit down and record this episode on Board Game collections. Brent asserts that a person is a collector if, 1. They identify themselves as a collector and have at least two games, and/or 2. They have more games than they could reasonably play.

Ryan uses a sports analogy to explain how he would select games to buy if Nathan, Brent and his other friends didn't keep him supplied in games, and Nathan waffles on whether he is A True Collector.

This episode is filled with quotations from our tribe. Join us on Facebook at Meeple Nation Off Air or on our BGG guild, 1943.

Direct download: MN_0188_Am_I_a_Board_Game_Collector.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST