Meeple Nation Board Game Podcast

Meeple Nation Episode 360

This week we are talking News, we discuss new games we have played, new games coming out, and also mention some Kickstarters.

Come, join us at the game table

Direct download: MN_360_February_2021_News.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 4:38pm MST

Meeple Nation Episode 359

This week we are talking about Nova Luna, by Uwe Rosenberg. This is a tile placing game where players add tiles from the moon wheel to their tableau in order to complete color patterns. 

Come, join us at the game table.

Direct download: MN_359_Nova_Luna.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST

Meeple Nation Episode 358

This week we are talking Uwe Rosenberg's New York Zoo, an puzzle animal park building game for 1-5 players. Simple to learn yet very challenging to be the first player to fill your park.

Come, join us at the game table.

Direct download: MN_358_New_York_Zoo.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST

Meeple Nation Episode 357

This week we are talking about Forgotten Waters, a crossroads pirate game. This game was full of fun and laughs with an amazing companion app that supplies great voice acting with awesome script writing that all make for a great game experience. 

Come, join us at the game table.

Direct download: MN_357_Forgotten_Waters.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST