Meeple Nation Board Game Podcast

You probably already know that Brent and Nathan love deckbuilders while Ryan is pretty particular on the subject. The Meeple Nation hosts sit down and discuss three small box deck builders.

Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Kings: Afterlife, and Valley of the Kings: Last Rites are all standalone (with interchangeable parts) games from Tom Cleaver and AEG. Playable in under an hour for 2-4 players. Players gain points by obtaining then entombing item cards. Best played with three (maybe four), this game requires you to entomb (place in a scoring pile) the powerful cards you had previously bought.

Dale of Merchants is a cute little game from Sami Laakso and Snowdale Design. Each of the two games, Dale of Merchants and Dale of Merchants 2 comes with six animal sets, allowing each game to be different as different animal sets are combined. It is playable in under an hour for 2-4 players.

Xenon Profiteer is a game from T.C. Petty, III and Eagle-Gryphon Games. It is also playable by 2-4 players in under an hour. Most turns players will add air to their hands then try to remove the unwanted elements while fulfilling contracts and upgrading their distillery.

Direct download: MN_0149_Small_Deck_Builders.mp3
Category:BoardGame -- posted at: 2:00am MST